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Мобильный маркетинг

Мобильный маркетинг
Были на сайте 15 ноября

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Мобильный маркетинг
Были на сайте 15 ноября
Лайки за кейсы 33
Подписчики 0
головной офис
+7 (495) 646-85-95 Россия, Москва ул. Новодмитровская, дом 2 корпус 1, этаж 7 пом. XLVII ком. 1
год основания

Мобильный маркетинг

588 просмотров

О компании

Mobio is the biggest technology-based end-to-end digital marketing agency in Russia. Being the undisputed locomotive of the Russian user acquisition market, we have expanded our operation to a global scale and now Mobio has branches in Moscow, London, Barselona, Minsk and Odessa.

We strongly believe in a personal approach to each of our partners. Such business ideology allows us to work closely and successfully with some of the leading brands on the market, such as Aliexpress, Beeline, Burger King, My.com, Okko, Raiffeisenbank, Yandex, IGG, Dragon Soul and many others.

We have been providing the best services for the promotion of mobile apps and games for more than 7 years. UA, Retargeting, Strategy planning, ASO, and production creatives.

We always think outside of the box in order to suggest a sophisticated approach to any problem, tricky as it might be. We will never walk away from a new challenge and will take on any ambitious goal that will stand on our way!
Contact us any time. Join us. Work with us. Be our friend. Cause we are Mobio!
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