Hello there, everyone!
My name is Olga, I am 31 years old, and I want to present my candidacy for the position of Junior QA Engineer. I have completed a QA Software Testing course at SkillUP school, and I aspire to start my career in software quality. I don’t have much experience yet, but there are other qualitative advantages. Since I worked in the field of transport logistics (control of negotiable documents), I was able to acquire such skills:
- communication skills;
- teamwork skills;
- flexibility;
- attention to detail.
In all stressful situations I keep my temper and the ability to allocate time correctly. I will be glad to become a part of your IT-team, to get experience, to learn new, to participate in promising projects, to bring real benefits to the company and users and eventually to become a professional in the field of testing.
I’m well-placed to look for a job, so I’ll take the position of assistant or intern, but the important thing is to have the opportunity to develop. She’s willing to fully commit to her work, follow the rules and regulations, in return for her energy and devotion.
Thank you for your attention.
CMS «1C-Битрикс»
Регрессионное тестирование
Функциональное тестирование
Ручное тестирование
Чтобы подтвердить навык специалиста, выберите нужный и кликните на него.
Рядом с навыком может выводиться цифра, она обозначает кол-во подтверждений другими участниками.
Подписчиков ещё нет.
Подписок ещё нет.
Сентябрь 2007 —
Июнь 2011 (3 года 9 месяцев)
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